Identification of differentially methylated regions (DMR)
Function adapt from the combp function() of the ENmix package
- data
A data frame from bed format file with colname name "V1","V2", "V3","V4","V5",V1 indicate chromosome (1,2,3,...,X,Y), V2 is chromosome position, V4 is for P value and V5 for name of CpGs.
- dist.cutoff
Maximum distance in base pair to combine adjacent DMRs.
- bin.size
bin size for autocorrelation calculation.
- seed
FDR significance threshold for initial selection of DMR region.
- nCores
Number of computer cores used in calculation
Results of the DMRs analysis.
result.fdr, table of selected AMRs. For each AMR include chromosomic position, P-value, and FDR